Client Reviews
“I have known Adelita for approx. 20 years and she has been of tremendous help in numerous occasions over the years, through healing and sharing her extraordinary knowledge with me. But most importantly, she has empowered me with priceless, life-changing tools through monthly meditation sessions over the last 5 years. Thanks to her, I have turned my life around. I have been able to be resilient through my divorce, to leave the past behind, to be a better mother and to grow. I would not be the happy person I am now nor would I truly enjoy this journey that is life without her input, help and Knowledge. She has always been very generous with her time and wisdom and made time for extra, personal help when I needed it. I am forever grateful to her.
Love, Joy, Light
Claire xxx“
“Adelita is a special woman who opens her heart, soul and energies in to helping others in a calm, peaceful and focused manner. I have worked with her on my self development for over 10 years and I am a happier, more self confident and self-loving person than when I started. I have set goals (academic, personal and professional) and have achieved these through my work with her. She inspires and instills spiritual practices from the basic to advanced and meets your individual needs accordingly. Adelita makes me feel safe and secure and I trust her and her non-judgmental approach 100%. I am blessed to have Adelita in my life guiding my spiritual journey. Thank you Adelita. R xx”
“Feeling very grateful for meeting Adelita and for her speeding up my spiritual development. She has helped me to love myself and others and to bring to the front my higher self so that I am more in control of my actions and events in my life. My daughter and myself have been to healing sessions and the whole family have had guidance sessions to help them through difficulties. Adelita is one of the family and we have lots of respect and appreciation for her.
"In 1999 I was at rock bottom. I met Adelita and life got better. We dealt with all my issues through 1-2-1 sessions and healing. Being empowered I was able to join Adelita’s workshops, improving my knowledge and gaining tools (aids). Today, I can deal with any challenge instantly, I can forgive myself and love myself for who I am. Life’s Great."
“I was a student of Spanish which Adelita taught at an Adult Education Centre in Caterham. One morning Angela, one of the students, came to the class in a lot of pain. She suffered from ill health and she and her husband always seemed to be beset by bad luck. She was such a lovely person though and we were all very fond of her, so that when the pain worsened this particular morning & Angela decided that she would have to go home, we were all very sorry.
Adelita asked her to wait a moment and told us that she thought she could help Angela. She explained that she was a healer & asked us if we minded if she gave Angela healing. If we were “against this” she asked that we go & have a coffee – if we were open minded, she asked that we sit quietly & perhaps send kind thoughts to Angela.
We watched & saw Angela relax completely as Adelita passed her hands over her, not touching but a few inches away from her body.
After about 15-20 minutes (time seemed to have stood still for us) Adelita stood back & Angela opened her eyes slowly & blinked as if she were coming out of a sleep. “The pain has gone” she said in surprise, “It is really gone”. She told us how she’d felt the heat from Adelita’s hands even though they didn’t touch her. She went back to her seat in the class, looking very puzzled but expressing her gratitude and people started to asking Adelita about what she had done. Two or three minutes had passed when we heard a little shriek from Angela. She had suddenly realised that a pain in her shoulder that she had learned to live with, had gone too!”
"Adelita is by far the most talented life coach I have ever met. Her knowledge and experience is vast and deep across all aspects of life. Her humble, direct, patient, kind and selfless coaching style touches and transforms individuals from inside out.
I have been very fortunate to have met Adelita many years ago and to have been able to receive her guidance, support and teachings.
Adelita has helped me become a better person, professional, husband and father, she has helped me realise my full potential and go beyond but, most of all, Adelita has helped me make my dreams come true and for that I will forever be grateful."
"It's me time, a session tailored just for you whether you are in a group or not. I relax, recharge my batteries or clear away any unwanted items. Its as good as spending a day at a Spa but its only an hour! Lovely."
"Adelita is a tiny little lady, almost pocket size, perfect to carry around guiding you constantly through the mine field that is life, like a little moral compass...... yet what she lacks in height she certainly makes up for in gargantuan wisdom.
She is a mighty powerhouse of help, support and knowledge, her trick is not to lead, what she does is provide the tricks and tools, to make the wandered look for their own goals, follow their own signposts, forcing one to tread their path, face their own demons, witness the miracles surrounding them and to appreciate. To learn for yourself that you have the power to be the navigator and creator of your own beautiful life and I shall be eternally grateful that in finding Adelita, I found myself."
“My grand-daughter, Louise, was just over one year old when she developed a pain in her arm. She couldn’t speak but we noticed that she would draw her arm back if we went to touch it & would flinch & cry if it were touched. Her parents took her to the doctor’s who referred her to the local hospital (Mayday University Hospital near Croydon).
They couldn’t immediately diagnose the problem & performed many tests on Louise.
I don’t know all the medical procedures that were carried out but I know she was sent to Royal Marsden for Scan (Royal Marsden is a Specialist Cancer Hospital) Specimens were sent to Great Ormond St. & between the three hospitals, they diagnosed an infection in the bone.
I rang Adelita & asked if she would give absent healing to Louise & she kindly said that she would, Louise was admitted to Mayday with a high temperature & and was feeling very poorly. Her parents took turns to stay overnight at the hospital to be with her.
Louise was operated on; the arm and the bone were opened up….and there was no infection to be seen.
The surgeons, we know, were very mystified. One infection had shown on the scan & the specimens had confirmed this.
They closed the wound & sewed up the arm. In their words, she healed remarkably quickly.
Louise has had further check-ups in three, then six & now 12 months & is in excellent health. The nurses and doctors at Mayday are still puzzled. We are not.”
"Adelita is a very dedicated and effective healer and leader; she donates her time unselfishly to help others and has achieved very good results and following. I have witnessed some of the changes people have achieved under her guidance."