My best wishes of health and wellbeing

Today I spoke with a friend who I hadn’t talked to for years. She told me something great that made me happy and inspired me to write this blog.

For years she suffered a lot physically, psychologically and emotionally. The story is too long and complicated to tell, but to give you an idea I can say she passed years in a tremendously difficult state. She had many operations and treatments. As time passed, previous errors came to light, as well as unwanted interventions, the injustice of many sectors, and much more. When finally they arrived at a common understanding and things started getting better, everything contributed towards her improvement. It had been so hard that a tiny bit of improvement was a strengthening of hope for her. It took time, but she managed to get back to a normal life. I remember her call and the happy excitement in her voice when she told me everything was going well and the things she could do. Now only one thing was left: the frustrating rage and pain that kept her psychologically tied down.

Today she said she was full of harmony and well-being. Her words were: “I’ve been like this since I forgave. When you told me to forgive, I did and now I’m very well. I’ve got my life back.”

I’m so happy that I wanted to share this for all those who suffer because they don’t want to forgive. The response to forgiving is the curing of thoughts and emotions that limit you and tie you down, making you suffer. If you are one of these, the cure is in your hands.

Allow forgiveness to set you free.

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