Greetings and wishes of wellbeing

We are so used to looking for answers outside of us that we cannot see them dancing inside us. Even when our heart is pointing strongly at them, our mind overpowers our heart and leads us to choose the path of suffering, when it would be so easy to go the other way. Our ego plays a big part in it because it wants to be right and see things done the way which works best in our perception. Our heart accepts. This way many years can go by, and problems can become chronic creating unhappy situations, while our mind remains settled having its own way.

When it comes to our wellbeing, communicating with our Higher Self, increasing our vibrational frequency and moving forward to a new world that is good for everyone and everything, it is the heart that will guide us. Once we have the information in front of us, reflection is necessary to discern where we are and where we want to be. Be aware of the amount of information you allow to come in. Give yourself time to rest the mind and allow the heart to speak to you. Be aware of the energy frequency levels you are at.

Get in touch and let me know how you are doing and if there is a subject you would like to hear more about.

Wishing you love and joy, free from fear and stress.

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