We talk a lot nowadays about caring for our bodies with natural nutritious food, with physical exercise, and many other things that give therapeutic results. Some people from the past and present talk to us about emotional and mental wellbeing. Some are very focussed on maintaining an athletic, good looking body, and to achieve this they do many things. Nevertheless, they don’t realise the consequences of what they ingest through their mouths or other ways. I am intrigued to hear people talking about eating naturally when they then let chemical substances into their bodies.

Today’s photo shows a tree’s strategy for protecting itself from strong winds or hurricanes. The earth that it is growing in is chalky and does not appear firm enough to hold it up. It is a beautiful big tree. What I want to show is how it interlaces its principal roots with others to anchor itself into the earth. Here we see two protected roots. The supporting root splits so it can reach further and hold the main roots well. In this way the roots are held down all round the tree. There are also many finer roots that form a mesh and penetrate into the earth. I must confess that I was fascinated the first time I saw this structure and spent a long time admiring such a good job. In this area there are many trees which have been uprooted by the weather over the years. I don’t think that will happen to this one.

The wisdom of the trees goes back through the ages. They know everything. Even what we need. Personally, they have helped me a lot. They are my best teachers. They have taught me what a human would not know how to teach me. They have supported me in moments of crisis. They have helped me get through them. When I have been in traffic accidents, they also helped me recover from the damages. How do I communicate with the trees? Through my heart. If we are well anchored in our Self, we can all do it. If you still don’t do it, what are you waiting for? Trees teach you to look after yourself and keep yourself healthy in a natural way.

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