As the energy of the earth increases its frequency, we should also increase our care for our thoughts. 

Our thoughts are countless. Among them all, many are not our own. By the magnetic law of attraction, we attract thoughts and incorporate them into our own.

There are also those that are injected into us, making us think they are our own. First the thought reaches us; then it repeats itself various times. When doubts arise, sensations and ideas reach us in such a way that we really believe them. When we start to believe them, something is going to happen that is going to convince us. It is then that we start to mention them to others.

It is in this way that we create a network of thoughts that benefit some and hurt many. This has always happened over the years. If we are good observers of what comes into our minds, we can see this misalignment of thoughts. 

If we are careful of our thoughts, we are taking care of ourselves in every sense.  


Who Am I?

Who Am I?

Changes are inevitable in us and in everything around us, whether we are aware of it or not. If we...

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Our Limitations

Our Limitations

We should clean up our way of creating limitations in our life. We do it unconsciously and we are...

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If you have read me, last week I was talking about necessary changes. I'm curious to know what you...

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Happy New Year

Happy New Year

It is very important that we start the year with a purpose in mind: to leave everything behind....

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It has been a few years since we have had snow. I have missed it. I love snow. We have a lot of it...

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Full moon

Full moon

Last night, I looked out the window and I was surprised by the size of the moon, I have never seen...

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