Best wishes for your health and wellbeing.

How many responses have you had to your questions? Were they key answers? Did they come from a heart free of influences? You have to be careful with the excuses that come out floating like bubbles, without giving time to reflect and letting the question enter fully and deeply. What have you found with your questions? Treasures or trash? Ties that bind you or freedom to enjoy life? How many steps have you taken forwards and how many backwards? Are you stuck or moving? Do you filter what enters you through your thoughts? It is also worth observing what enters through your senses. What are your thoughts with the information you receive? Who do you share all this with? Family, friends, colleagues or any unknown person?

You know that I am always ready to listen.

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To Finish 

To Finish 

In the previous post I shared a comment from a person who uses the book as a tool. I always ask...

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Here I am again to remind you that if you want to help someone, you have at your fingertips a book...

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The previous posts with the “feedback” from those who use the book “My Awakening to Myself” have...

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I have shared with you some of the “feedback” that I have received about my book. There are many...

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