Greetings and wishes of wellbeing

I have been asked to write about stress and good health. Most of my blogs are to reduce stress and increase health with different approaches. If you have some time, go back and read them. You may think you have read them already, but remember we are not the same as we were yesterday. Lots of things have changed, whether we are aware of them or not. So, reading my blogs again you will find things have changed in you that you had not noticed before.

What stresses us? Practically everything that goes against our wishes! Here, we use our common sense and examine what the issue is. Then, we consider our options and the tools at our disposal. That done, we proceed to deal with whatever stresses us. However, there are other sources of stress which are very damaging. Just to name some: fear, anxiety, poor health, problems with family, lack of something (work, food, necessities, etc.), and so on. Fear is one of the worst. It eats you up like a ferocious wild animal. It makes you anxious and short of breath. Unfortunately, much of what we are exposed to these days is fear. It debilitates our empowerment, leaving us tired and weak. Our immune system goes down. Stress will take over and affect our health. This can be avoided if we know who we are.

If stress takes you by surprise, use your best tool, your breath. There are many breathing techniques. If you do not know them, just concentrate on long deep breaths. Putting your attention on your nostrils as the air comes in and out make many feel calm. If you have depressing thoughts, breathe in as before, filling your lungs, and as you breathe out allow those thoughts to go. You only need 2-3 breaths for that. Then, keep on with the deep breaths for a few minutes.

There are lots of things online to help you to take care of your health. As for other things: watch where you put your attention because your own mind can create a lot of stress unnecessarily. Be aware of what and whom you listen to and whether you believe everything you hear. Knowing yourself is a powerful way of dealing with our times. When you know who you are, you are fearless. If you have not reached this point and wish to do so, my book “My Awakening to Myself” can guide you in a very gentle and easy way. If you prefer a face to face approach contact me for an online consultation.

For the Spanish speakers who have been asking for my book, I have good news. I have finished translating it. Now, I am looking for a Spanish publisher. Let me know if you have any advice or recommendations.

Wishing you love and joy, free from fear and stress.

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To Finish 

To Finish 

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