We are already in a new year that seems to run and run. It’s like being on a train at high speed. You can’t see clearly what you’re passing. You are only aware of the speed at which you are going. Curiously, you accept it as something normal. In the same way, we follow the patterns of life without realising our unconsciousness. You see what you see, but you don’t always understand it. However, you accept it because the majority think, say and do it.
Every morning is a new opportunity for our awakening. That call that tells us that it is time to learn to listen to our inner voice, which many have forgotten, and others vibrate in their daily lives with the freshness of a new beginning, every day.
Where are you? What are your personal goals for this new beginning? What do you throw away? What do you welcome? What do you prioritize?
I Am the force of life and so are you.

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